Friday, June 20, 2008


"I may look harmless, but I raised a U.S. Marine!" — from "A Parents Guide To Surviving Marine Corps Boot Camp"

We got our letter yesterday. The one we were waiting on ever since Daniel left for boot camp. It was only a form letter. The only hand written parts were "Mom & Dad" and then Daniel's signature. The letter basically stated that he had arrived at MCRD (Marine Corps Recruit Depot) San Diego and that he was in good health and not to send him anything.

Also enclosed in the envelope was a form letter from his Senior Drill Instructor promising to take good care of our son and that he'll make sure our son will put forth his MAXIMUM effort. Hmmm. I wonder what that means. He sure sounds nice, doesn't he? lol.

He also suggested that we write lots of positive and encouraging letters as recruits face many obstacles and may experience periods of frustration. I guess those photos say it all.

The funny thing is the most important part of the letter was the envelop, lol. It had the address of where to send the letters.

So the letter-writing campaign has begun. I wrote my first hand-written letter in years last night. I filled the letter with every bit of news I could think of that was going on in the family. Every other sentence I was telling him how proud I am of him.

If you read this blog and you would like to write Daniel, even if you don't know him personally, I will email you his address. (We aren't supposed to post it publicly.) Or you can post a reply anytime and I'll print it out and mail it to Daniel.

Also included in the letter was a website for parents of recruits. It has a forum and chat rooms, along with tons of information, advice and support. It looks very well organized, right down to graduation day and platoons so you can get to know the parents of the recruits in the same platoon as your son or daughter. There's also a training matrix on the website that shows what the recruits are doing each day.

I'd like to ask anyone who reads this to pray for Daniel and the rest of the recruits (and I guess all the military for that matter) But specifically that the recruits can adjust to military life, accomplish their tasks and stay safe.


Dolphin Boy said...

Absoultley. I'm always thinking about the guys and gals who serve our country and what they and their families go through. This is one topic close to my heart. Deep respect for all military.

I may be a goofball on line with Blogger world but when it comes to our military, I stand at attention!

My thoughts are with you and Daniel. Wishing him the very best. Please let him know how much repect I have for him & the rest of the guys & gals.

Thanks for this post!

Semper Fi..

Dolphin Boy.

Debbie said...

I would Love to Have Daniels address. I have a graduation card to mail him. Do they open his mail first. I would like to send him a little cash gift if he can accept it. I will be praying for him and all the recruits. Just a note. My Dog Jake died yesterday while we were away for the weekend. They think he had a heart attack. I know how much i already miss him. I cant vaccum the carpet in his favorite room because I can see his little paw prints. I am just very sad now. I read Yours and Karens blog to feel Happy sometimes so thanks for that. Your video did make me smile..

Randy said...

Hey Deb, sorry to hear about Jake. We'll be praying for you. Daniel's not allowed to get any gifts or money while at boot camp. Only letters and photos, oh and stamps. I'll email you his address along with the rules to mail him a letter. They are very strict. He'll get in trouble if the letter is addressed wrong or has any other writing on it other than the address.

We are planning on going to his graduation Sept. 5 and are planning on flying to Portland then driving to San Diego. You guys are welcome to attend the graduation as well.

take care, randy


S is for Skateboarder. My first sketch and watercolor in more than a year.  I always have trouble finding things to sketch. Well, maybe not ...