Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Yesterday was the Cinco de Mayo Splash 1 mile and half-mile swim. It was the same course as the Lavaman Triathlon, although they say it was a mile. Time were pretty fast though, even for the Lavaman course. I beat my Lavaman time by three minutes and I had to stop three times to try to fix my broken goggles. I finally gave up on them and swam with the right eye flooded. I couldn't see a thing.

Karen placed third in her age group in the half-mile race. Yay!!! She also had a great course time. You can see her here holding her "trophy," A beer glass. She also won a T-shirt that is to be mailed to her. So, I've been training for about 7 months and haven't placed in anything and Miss Karen comes along and has just been training for a couple of months and has already placed in a big event. Way to go Karen.

Here are few more photos from the Cinco de Mayo Splash. I'm sure I'm starting my rant about my exploding goggles when Karen took this picture. I was pretty upset until I heard my time, which was only 31 seconds off my goal.

A calm ocean. This was taken as they were setting up the course. The wind was picking up when we got to A-Bay around 7 a.m., but by the time the race started it was a flat sea. The tide was pretty low though, even out at the far turns we were just about scraping the coral heads. There were a few times when I had to "surf" over the coral so my knees didn't scrape them.

The last photo is coach Steve announcing the winners. Coach was the official announcer for the day and the race starter. Overall, it was a fun day. They even fed us Mexican after the race.

Next up is the Peaman Mother's Day race Sunday at the pier. It's a half-mile swim and a 3.1 mile run.

1 comment:

BreeWee said...

Oh way to go Karen! LOVE the smile! I love that swim and missed it... but for a great reason!

I will see you both Sunday :)


S is for Skateboarder. My first sketch and watercolor in more than a year.  I always have trouble finding things to sketch. Well, maybe not ...